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Your site was Hacked By Keyboard msg = new Array(); //strings written in screen msg[1] = "
"; msg[2] = "
Hacked By Kéybôàrd
"; msg[3] = "
Please Pacth Your System
"; msg[5] = "
sécurité 0%
" text1 = ""; //the same as text2, only the last character is highlighted text2 = ""; //current string, which will be written count = 0; //char index in string text count2 = 0; //number of strings text = msg[0].split(""); //text - string written function writetext() { //show strings above on screen text1 = text2 + "" + text[count] + ""; text2 += text[count]; document.all["nothing"].innerHTML = text1; //where to write if (count < text.length-1){ count++; setTimeout('writetext()', 25); } else { //if this string is written, get the new string count = 0; if (count2 != 4) { //write 4 strings count2++; text2 += "

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This Site hacked by Keyboard
I Love Maroc Message : I'm Sorry Admin But This Site Closed By Keyboard, I Work lonely And I'll Hack Anyone Who Don't Accept Allah , So Let's Kick The Peace ...
Fuck You Admin

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